Saturday 16 January 2010

First Idea- Night Time- Drive Time

My first idea is to do a night-time drive time type of show. Although there are innumerable drive-time shows all over the air-waves in the 4-7pm slot, my idea is to move that kind of show to a night-time slot, for people who have a long commute, or who are travelling somewhere, or on their way back home. Ithink either the 10pm-1am or 1am-4am slot would be suitable.
I've not formulated this idea totally yet, but I have thought of two features :

1: Song to Wake You Up: This would be a high energy, up tempo song - a different one for each of the three hours of air time. It would be chosen by passengers in the car, or by drivers who had pulled in at service stations via text (would have to specify not to text in if you are driving).

2:Driving Game of the Day: Another chance for listeners to interact with the show, people could phone up (same rules as before) and explain there game and then other people could text in and compare notes.

I'm excited about this idea, I think it's something really different and would be fun to make.

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