Sunday 31 January 2010

Big Update!

Right, sorry I meant to update this a lot earlier but I got ill.

Ok so on Wednesday, because we were pretty much ready to go, and no one else was, we went to the studio. I had already done some research, but Nathan and I switched roles so I was now the producer, which was alright because at least it meant I got that bit out of the way.

One of the many problems was that we only had a slight script; we presumed because the show was quite formatted we would only need the base of script, and we didn't want it to sound unnatural.
That was a Big mistake, but i'm glad it happened, because now we know a script is something we definately can't do without.

Another problem we faced was that unfortunately the Radio Studio is far from soundproof, and we had to contend withe noise from outside, which meant re-recording a lot of the links, and all the time I was getting more and more tense.
Eventually there was a big stand-off were evidentally everyone else thought we had been in the studio for too long, but then before we could get out , they went away taking one of our presenters with them effectively ending that days recording.

On Thursday we decided to come in early to avoid conflict but again we were missing a presenter so there was only so much we could do. We worked as much as we could and then though lunch, and then in the afternoon. And then when we had finished laying everything down we moved to an Edit Suite.

I had a hammering headache and felt likeI was going to explode! I find sound editing difficult at the best of times but with all the extra noise and the absenses, we had to record thingd out of sync, and because our show 'The Culture Club' involed two interviews in languages I don't speaks I just found it so difficult.

So I went home on Thursday afternoon because I just felt so ill. Marta very, very kindly said she would finish editing, making all the levels even and fades and basically making it sound professional. I didn't go in on Friday because I still wasn't feeling very well so that's the last I know about it.

So basically two main mistakes

1:Vague Script
2:Vague Job Roles
3:Un-Chronological recording

But you live and learn. Hopefully this week i'm the researcher and I can just get on with that and not be so stressy.

Aha. Ok, untill next time x

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