Saturday 16 January 2010

Frank McCarthy (BFBS Radio)

BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Service) radio is aired in 23 countries where british troops are in action. It's demographic is service personnel and their family, and their USP is playing messages to and from the troops. The station keeps troops up to date with music and happenings at home.
Every night there are one or two programmes under the heading 'The Specialists'. There are specialist shows is dance, rock, 'songs of the yesteryear', trance, groove, and New Music.

Frank McCarthy is the head of music and presents BFBS'S new music show, Music First on Sunday Evenings.

It's quite a simple show. There aren't lots of sound effects, there isn't any bedding music.There isn't a lot of talk between tracks (I'd say about a 15/85 speech to music radio).

Frank's delivery is that of a friend who is just casually telling you about a band they have heard of; not over enthusiastic but earnest, interesting enough for you to listen to him. He rarely talks about anything other than music; there are fleeting references ot the listener- but a typical 10 minute segment

Introduce Track
Play Track
Back announce track
Introduce next track
Play next track

And that's it.

Music-wise, again not particularly groundbreaking. He plays new music, but not always from new artists. He plays mainly indie music, but there are some mainstream and rock tracks too.

Although it is quite listenable to whilst doing other things, I can;t imagine ever going - 'Oh it's time for Frank McCarthy- let's tune in!'.

I think that's mainly down to 3 things.

1: No interactive features - I just didn't feel a part of his show.

2:Boring Production- Ok so not everyone suits explosions and bombs, and also considering it's a radio show for the armed forces it's a bit innappropriate, but I think he could really benfit from at least some bed music and a more exciting jingle.

3: So little talking! - I actually want to know a bit about him. Something that would make me interested in him, something you might want to talk to him about. Or I want to hear him interact with a second presenter , or a producer , or even someone from a band. When he's not talking, it means I can start talking and when I'm talking i'm not listening.

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