Monday 15 February 2010

Adrian Chiles

In the last few years Adrian Chiles has been all over the TV, presenting everything from The Apprentice: Your Fired, Match of the Day 2 and The One Show.

The reason for his popularity in my opinion his simple. He is very ordinary. And I mean that as a highest compliment. He has bucketloads of charm, and is very, very funny but in essence is a very ordinary man.

The One Show is on every weekday at 7'oclock and you don't want somone in a top hat and tails when you are relaxing after work. He wears clothes to relate to the target audience, which of the one show is very wide and not particularly upmarket. Sometimes he wears a jumper over a shirt, other times he wears a jacket over a shirt; but always the top button is undone and he doesn't wear a tie.

He speaks with a Birmingham accent which again helps reinforce his ordinaryness, Birmingham historically being a rather working-class place, he is very symbollic of the new stage of BBC TV Presenters, who no longer need to speak the Queen's English or dress really smartly.

Chiles doesn't gesture a whole lot; he tends to 'steeple his hands, and mirror his co-presenter, Christine Bleakley. This is because he doesn't really need to get excited about a whole lot on the show, and so there isn't a lot of course for wild gesturing.

However sometimes, when a topic grabs his fancy, he does become more illuminated and he doesn't gesture more. When he is more excited his pace quickens and his tone gets a little bit higher. It's also particularly amusing as he is famous for his rather curmudgeonly style, so when he gets excited about something seemingly as random as gymnastics, it makes everybody laugh.

The audience for The One Show is vast, but mainly 40+, people who have just got back from work. Adrian can relate to the workers because he projects the feeling he is one, and that makes him likeable. He also has quite a calm tone, which as one viewer on the TV Club Channel 4 website 'Is the perfect way to wind down after work'.

The One Show hovers around 14 -17 on the Barb top 30. The ratings very as to who the special guest is. I think the reason the ratings are quite high is because it's a very watchable programme, presented by Adrian and Christian a little tongue in cheek. This is because it's a running joke how random the One Show is - one minute they are talking about birds, and the next it's inflation! Adrian in particular realises this, and so he presents jokily, although the show is not a joke.

I really enjoy Adrian Chiles's presenting. Some people find him dry, and boring, but I think he just has a more subtle humour. As he is on air everyday, the viewer forms a relationship with him, and gets to know his humour, which is again why the ratings are so high - the established loyal viewers will watch every day, giving them a base.

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with him. I enjoy his style, I like his accent, he makes me laugh; everything you want in a presenter. However I do understand why people don't like him, as his voice is sometimes monotonous and he isn't as cheerful as most presenters, but that's just his style. It's interesting, at the moment there is a lot of talk about Chris Evans taking over his job, and I think that would be awful. The reason the one show works is because Christine is the cheerful one and Adrian is more grumpy, so they complement each other like Yin and Yang. Chris Evans, who has a cheerful tone and general demeanor would make The One Show insufferably cheery and at tea time that's not what you want.

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