Monday 15 February 2010

Louis Theroux

Louis Theroux presents his documentaries with a captivating mixture of wide-eyed innocence and canny interviewing, and it makes them compelling viewing.

Louis uses his fish-out-of-water factor to draw the audience into alien worlds. His naivete makes his documentary subjects relax a little, and makes it a more interesting interview than if he just went in confrontationally, which makes people put their guard up.

He is a very tall man, which makes him stand out, but almost to make up for this he wears very ordinary clothes. What he wears depends on what kind of climate he is in but mainly it is just a T-shirt or Jumper, over jeans or lightweight trousers. This helps the audience relate to him; Louis is the audiences guide too this new world and by wearing the same kind of clothes an ordinary man would way, he helps you to feel you are there.

He speaks quite softly in an almost childlike manner, which again I think is to illicit a different kind of reaction from his subjects. And whoever he's talking to, he treats them the same, and interviews them the same- whether they are a prostitute or a neo-Nazi. He is very rarely confrontational; he asks just the right questions to let the person he speaks to undermine themselves.

His latest documentary, The City Addicted To Crystal Meth, was the fourth most popular programme on BBC 2 that week, earning an audience of 2.69 million. This shows how popular he is, mainly because of the reasons I have mentioned, but also as his documentaries aren't on every week, so when they are on people make more of an effort to watch them.

I think he is a fantastic presenter, he is very intelligent and non-confrontational. He uses a wide range of vocabulary to help give the audience the background information on his subject, and never patronises the audience. He talks across to them rather than down. He makes subjects like black nationalism fascinating by choosing different people to talk to, and asking fascinating questions.
The only thing I don't like about him is sometimes he ignores entire angles. For example in his episode about Thai Brides, he ignored what I thought was the main point - Why do Thai Women not think very much of Thai Men. When he misses out what seems like obvious angles it is a bit frustrating.
I think he is a very versatile presenter, as he is intelligents, but also has a lot of wit, and so he could easily fit on a range of shows.

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