Tuesday 9 February 2010

Show 2

In detail write about the activities you have done so far and how you thought they went?

On Thursday we came in early to do a script (After last time, we knew needed one) and a running order. We had made some brief notes the day before about how we oculd improve the show, so we included a competition and several phone-ins, we also need to trail the things we have coming up.
On Monday Nathan, Marta and I came in early to record Nathan and My vocals. We went so much quicker because of the script, and ithink meand Nathan make a good presenting team (although i'm not looking forward to hearing it back). When we had finsihed that we found some really good bed music

• How well did your group perform today?
We've learnt now that Keerah just doesn't come in early, which is fair enough, so we've worked around that by not making her presenter this week so we can record the presenting when we want. Our group works really well together, we don't argue and we work to each of our stengths.
• What tasks did you finish?
We've finshed all the pre-show prep and recording our link.

• What tasks have you still got to complete?
The phone-ins and the competition.

• How well did you perform individually?
My presenting sounds a little exciteable and it's going to be very cringe-worthy listening back to it. I think I heard last week the some people had a problem with sound disinterested, but I went too far the other way!

• What reading or research have you done for your radio show?
I've been listening to radio 1 more htan usual this week as this is where we see our show going.

• How is your radio show going?
It's going to be a bit tense tomorrow geting the finishing touches done but hopefully we are on track,

• What improvements are needed?
Finshing touches, changing the voulumes on certain things.

• What have you learnt from today’s experience?

To ask for more time if the show will benefit, to calm downa bit before presenting, and - it's just occurred to me- we'll have to find bed music before we do the live show.

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