Tuesday 2 February 2010

Oooh I've just noticed some guidelines to writing

In detail write about the activities you did the lesson and how you thought they went?
Monday: Marta, Nathan and I had a meeting and decided on the songs that we would play and wrote the running order. We got it all decided pretty quickly so I was very happy.

Wednesday: We recorded the first half of the show. I switched roles with Nathan so I was the producer, so I recorded and edited the links with Marta and Keerah, and added in the jingles and songs.

Thursday: Morning- We had agreed on Wednesday that we would come in early on Thursday so that we didn't have so much trouble with the noise. Keerah didn't show, so I recorded the links we could with Marta, but eventually we got to the point where we couldn't record anything else without her.
Afternoon: We worked through lunch recordng the rest of the show, which included two interview with people who had moved here form other countries and their experiences. I left mid-way through the afternoon, after we had everything recorded because I was feeling ill.

• How well did your group perform today?
Monday: We worked really well together, we all reached a consensus on the songs we would play and the running order.

Wednesday: Again, very well.

Thursday: It was a shame Keerah didn't come in early because we couldn't record her links, but I can't really complain as I left early in the afternoon without properly finishing my duties.

• What tasks did you finish?
Monday: Running Order
Wednesday: Recording the first half of the show
Thursday:Finishing the show, and I think Marta has finished doing the levels and adding beddig music,

• What tasks have you still got to complete?
Monday: Recording
Wednesday: Recording second half, and final mix
Thursday: Don't know

• How well did you perform individually?
I think I have performed well, especially since producing is my least strong skill. It reflects well on us as a group that we were willing to come in before college hours and work together.
My main problem was not performing as well as could under pressure, and not pushing that we did more planning beofre we got in the studio.

• What reading or research have you done for your radio show?
Before I switched roles with Nathan I had researched the featured artist and where possible translated their lyrics. I had also done a lot of listening to different types of radio show,

• How is your radio show going?
I hope it's finished :) We were defintatly slowed by lack of planning.

• What improvements are needed?
When I left the show needed tidying up, but again I hope that has been done

• What have you learnt from today’s experience?
Oh so much!
1:Planning This week i'm going to try and make sure we are properly planned and scripted before we get in the studio because along with not everyone being there and the sound from outside, that was our biggest flaw.
2:Recording When we were in the studio at a time when nobody else was loitering round (arrgh sorry sound like an old woman!) outside we recorded much more quickly because we weren't all having to re-record links all the time, so next show we should definately record as much as poissble outside of lesson times.
3:Producing I'm not good at it so I'm glad it's out odf the way! I'm glad that this week has given me more time to pratise though, and I've learnt to really try and not get so stressed

Next show i will do this after every sessiom, i'm sorry I didn't find this until after the show was completed!

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