Thursday 4 March 2010

What I have learnt- Technically

Technical things are my weakness. I knew this, and so the very first thing I did in this whole project was to get James to give me a refresher course on the mixing desk. He and Ryan did a pretend show of The Beat, and gave me a chance to mix. Usually I present, so this session really helped me remember the basics.

In the First Show I recorded the speech, and then as we recorded in the wrong order, I put it together. This took me quite a while, but helped me get a fimer grasp on Auditions.

In our Second show, I edited the competition. This helped me learn about fading, volume levels and how to use the multi-track view to put two people voices overlapping slightly. I also learnt how to put sound effects into Auditions.
I also helped Marta and Nathan decide what sound effects we should use, and in what order.

In our Third Show, I edited my interview with Scroobius Pip. From what I had learned the previous weeks I found this relatively easy. I went through the transcript I had of the Interview bracketing the bits of audio I wanted to use and then I found the corresponding pieces on the screen and deleted what I didn't need.

When we were in the studio I learnt how to cue up a song ready to go on the laptop, while Keerah controlled the mixing desk. I'm dissapointed in myself that I didn't feel I could work the mixing desk well enough to be able to do it live, I feel I let the team down. However when I think about how far I've come during the six weeks we've been at this I feel more encouraged.

What I Have Learnt ... Technically
  • How to use the mixing desk (although I need to become more ocnfident)
  • How to use Auditions better
  • Effects to make audio sound clearer
  • Sound effects to make the radio show sound more entertaining and fun

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